Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Number 9

In just a few days my husband and I will celebrate our 9th anniversary.  Nine years...how could nine years have flown by so quickly?!

The most memorable part of my wedding to me was not the decorations, or the ceremony or a speech.  It was not who was or wasn't there...or being walked down the isle by my dad, or when my groom kissed me for the very first time ever.  What I really remember about our wedding day was the emotion I felt that day.  I have never felt so abundantly loved.  I remember walking away from that celebration feeling overwhelmed by the love so many people had showered on us.

Nine years ago I married my best friend; and together we have lived an adventure.  Together we have laughed and together we've wept.  Together we have witnessed the miracle of 3 new lives joining our own.  Together we have faced life and all of the uncertainty it hurls at us.  Together we have been blessed; together we have walked through difficult situations.  Together we have both rejoiced and agonized.  Together we have grown; older and wiser [and possibly heavier & wider too].  Together we have asked and wrestled with hard questions; many still unanswered.  Together we have learned to stand still, and to go.  Together we step out into each day unsure what lies ahead, but willing to place our feet on whatever path that God lays out before us to walk down.  I am so thankful the Lord has blessed my life with someone I love to share it with.

Although learning to share life with another person is trying for sure at times, I think that truly the most testing moments over these past years [certainly more than 9, we fell in love when I was a girlish 16 years old], have been the times we were not together, but apart.  Even as I think back, the hardships of our marriage and our relationship leading up to our marriage were most often ignited by separation; whether physical or emotional, whether intentional or circumstantial.  What God has joined together, let no man separate.  Life is so much better when there's a shoulder to cry on and an arm to pull me close, even if those tears are caused by the turmoil that can be experienced when we share life so intimately.  Mine is a beautiful life, and I am so thankful to be sharing it with my J.

Thank you, my love, for sharing these years with me; for standing beside me; for being my dearest friend. Even in those brief moments when I am uncertain whether I like you or not - I still love you. ;) Thank you for continuing to love me...to lead me...to share this life with me - your love has taught me and blessed me more than I likely even recognize, and certainly more than my simple words can express. Happy [almost] Anniversary, Love!


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